My art as storytelling

ARTIST STATEMENT by MaryBeth Garrigan

My artistic endeavors have always explored the synesthesia of visual design,  with effectual circumstances and selection of place. I create relationships between what flows in my head and what gets pushed in from the outside. In my landscapes, personal narratives shape the work into the tension creating biological, spiritual, architectural and habitat compositions. 

The avian painting compositions can also represent stories we have as human beings which tie us to each other. Birds are forms of artistic expression in most cultures, and in my work, they connect me to community regardless of continent of origin. 

The paintings based on Chakra inspired colors were used to express my anxiety starting in the fall of 2019 when I painted Radish Root Resistance.  Following through by mirroring other anxiety events through 2020, I created the other works in the Chakra spectrum. The Last painting is still yet to be finished and will be The Crown.  All the 48” x  48”  works exhibit  well in a group or as single a paintings.  

I am a Minnesotan who took studio arts at the University of Minnesota but ended up with a B.S. in Animal Science.  I continued painting, as I flew birds of prey as a falconer and worked for the Raptor Center at the U of M.  As the birds and family demanded so much more of my time, I took a hiatus from painting as I helped to create the National Eagle Center in Wabasha as its director. I came back to painting in 2013 with a water color set that was the last birthday gift my husband gave to me before he passed away later that year. Since, I have been in numerous exhibitions and received juried awards, but my favorite title  award was THE BILL MURRY’S CHOICE AWARD (Yes THAT BILL MURRY) where I won on a collaboration with artist Kailie Staples-Burtrow in the 2019 Collab Show! Sorry folks that piece sold!

Mary Beth Garrigan and Harriet the Eagle meet Stephen Colbert June 2007



Petra with Garrigan’s Art
Capitol New Day Work

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