Reflect, Inspire, Engage. Explore how the climate is changing through conversations with local experts in our community at the Three Rivers Park District Climate Conversations series. Discuss how these changes affect our natural resources and explore actions you can take to reduce your impact. This event is the second session of a five-park series hosted in Three Rivers.

The conversation will feature the following guest speakers and workshop presenters:Dawn Bentley, Executive Director, Minnesota Fringe
MaryBeth Garrigan, artist and educator
Ben Weaver, musician and poet
Kristen Poppleton, Director of Programs, Climate Generation
Erin Sharkey, Free Black Dirt
Futures NorthWater Bar and Public Studio

Yo Mama Watering (W)hole
Sister Black Press
Ryan Clancy
Local Resource Organizations

1:00 Resource Fair
1:45 Program: Keynote, Kristen Poppleton, Climate Generation; climate stories from musician and poet Ben Weaver, Executive Director of Minnesota Fringe Dawn Bentley, and artist and educator Mary Beth Garrigan.3:00 Solutions Workshops•Poetry for Politicians: Poet, Erin Sharkey & former pollution control regulator, Steve Lee
•Prepare to Care with Yo Mama! + Water Bar – Climate change emergency kits
•How to Talk to Adults about Climate Change – A Solutions Workshop for Youth - St Anthony Village High School Green Team
•Fat Tires, Skinny Impact: Venture North Bikes and One-on-One Bikes winter biking workshop on Silver Lake
4:30 Social Hour and Reception

This is a free event: